There are a number of reasons as to why it is important to have thedrinking age lowered in the recent times. One important thing to note isthe fact that teens are prone to abuse alcohol due to a number of reasonsand thus legal drinking age that is allowed by the law is a bit tough onthem. Most of the young people associate drinking with happiness and funand thus trying to limit their drinking habits is not welcomed by thisgroup. Despite the tough rules by the government and the parents, the teenswill do all possible to make sure that they get a chance to get drunk evenif nobody will realize that they are actually getting involved in thishabit.
This has long term effects where the teens get used to strong drinkswhich make them drunk fast enough without having to use much of it. This isdangerous as it has high chances of leading to addiction which is hard tocontrol in later stages in life. Use of concentrated drinks is harmful tothe lives of these young people (Kiesbye Stefan). It is thus important that the drinking age be lowered to about 18years and to make sure that the teens are fully advised on the dangers ofexcessive drinking which might have devastating effects in the lives. It isalso important that the teens are advised on the importance of responsibledrinking as the drinking age is lowered as this is a sure way that theywill be able to control themselves to avoid dangers of excessive use ofalcohol and related substances. This will make it known to the teens thatit is their role to take care of their personal lives and that nobody willbe blamed if it reaches a point that someone becomes addicted and is notable to cope up with their lives in a sober manner.
The current drinking laws do not allow teens…