Literature Review Outline

Literature Review Outline

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What then is a Literature Review Outline?

Creating a guiding document based on analyzed documents that have been published by those involved in research work and thereafter summarizing them critically to align with the topic one is doing on his/her research is what an outline for literature review is all about. In other words, one engages in reading journals, books, articles, or other research papers that are relevant in order to come up with a research idea that he or she then presents in brief to the academic spheres and the responsible professor assessing him or her. An outline of a review outline is, therefore, an organized document that is presented before the main literature outline is presented. It is an academic requirement that at times is requested by the learning institutions.

Notably, before embarking on writing an outline of a review of the literature, it is important to understand the style which you will adapt as convenient and putting your ideas forth in a manner that is clear besides being visibly appealing to the eyes.

How to Write a Sample Literature Review Outline

Critical audience analysis and segmentation are very important before the process is initiated given that knowing the audience helps with the idea of structuring the outline before the outline. In addition to the above, establishing one’s purpose is also the key to generating thoughts that will inform the article. Furthermore, the development of a robust thesis is equally good because it helps in driving you to the right content of research given that your intention as a writer will be always to justify your claim. Be it the preceding outline before the before the literature review outline, the sample must have a statement that gives a summary in a sentence, in which all the most crucial ideas are presented with the best grammar.

It is advised that drafts should be the order of coming up with a good sample in the sense that all ideas that emerge in the course of the research must all be written down, brainstorming just to give such ideas more flesh should equally be considered just after the thesis has been established. Note that revision is part and parcel of the process of creating a great outline.

Organization of a Literature review Outline Example

A consistent and meticulous review of the generated thoughts is critical when ordering an outline because it lists the thoughts from the most important and urgent to the least that may be scrapped in the course of revision. Even though it is not advisable to dwell on ordering your ideas, there should be an indication that they are clearly related so that you can be able to derive some sense out of them. The best approach is to put them in classes before classifying your data too within the sub-groups and main classes. Why so? This is imperative in terms of enabling the writer to have kinds and subsets.

Labeling an Example of a Literature Review Outline: A Cool Thing to Try Out

After the subsets and sets are organized in a logically flowing manner, the next approach would be to assign them an identifier which is also known as labeling. In a case whereby the writer is using a style that takes the format of a sentence outline, sentences should be applied for the sets and subsets, for example, when addressing the impact of technology on education, it is imperative to look at how culture impacts the application of technology.

The subsets would then read as

  • Considering the technological trend, how it has developed to a point that it impacts education.

  • Show the various stages of adoption of technology in education

  • Evaluating the implication of the theme on the Impact of technology on education.

In scenarios whereby a topic is applied to write an outline of an outline of a literature review, descriptive phrases or sentences are applied for example

  • Impact of technology on education:

The study’s discussion is based on the beginning of technology, its impact on education and how it is influencing lessons carried out in the classes. Notably, our life is today centered on technology to the degree that we cannot do without it. Additionally, technology transcends a notion that competency in using computers as well as applying science is everything that one needs to learn in order to describe as compliant. It has permeated our lives to the extent that professors and students alike run their academic activities based on technology.

  • How technology affects education in institutions

According to James (20019), evidence points out that technology and new trends are very important in raising the standards of education. Furthermore, technology has been employed to improve key subjects such as mathematics and sciences. Students are able to understand these once deemed to be difficult subjects better because of technology.

Additionally, technology has several benefits for students and education in general. Of course, this does not mean that other effective methods should be substituted by technology according to Peter (2018). For effective utilization of technology in schools, it is imperative that the capacity level of the users must be raised so that they can understand how to employ digital tools in the classroom set-up to achieve learning outcomes. Moreover, the lectures must be able to identify to the most appropriate technology tools, adapt them to suit the expected outcomes and train their student to adapt to the lesson plans that are tailored to be complemented by such tools.

It has been established that the benefits of technology transcend classroom set-p. Students can apply technological tools at home to accomplish tasks assigned to them by their lecturers. Also, the fact that they can carry with them school assignments and do them at home implies that learning time extends past school walls something that should be encouraged.

Aligning the Writing Skills to the Outline

As you create an outline of an outline, it is important to note that taking time to peruse other articles that speaks of the subject you want to address is important in the sense that you will not be jotting points randomly but instead you will be creating a final outline of the outline whose results will be provable and aligned to the academic prerequisites. Remember that an example that you are giving as the outline will have to bear the visual features in terms of how well it is arranged. Secondly, the thoughts that will inform the final outline of a literature review must not be forgotten. It is time to lend your focus to good thoughts that will factor in consistency and draw interest all through.

APA literature Review Outline: the outlining of an Outline

APA Outline of review for the literature is structured in a way that consists of the following key components:

An Introduction

  • In this part, the topic of study is summarized and its definition is given to give the reader an understanding of exactly what the topic is all about. While defining the study subject, the students can opt to consider a thesis that is argumentative or a definition that describes a scenario. The outline introduction may as well be organized with bullet points for example:

  • Topic

  • Thesis statement

  • Summarizing statement of the introduction

The second scenario could be an introduction to an outline can be done in an explanatory manner.

For example:

Residents of Chicago in their bid to stay healthy should stop consuming junk food because junk food diets are the major cause of expensive health complications such as hypertension, obesity that can be avoided’.

The Body

  • Notably, numerous approaches can be adopted when one is working on the body of his/her outline. Indeed the organization of the body either takes a format whereby:

  • The body is evaluated in terms of Chronology, i.e., the order in which the events will take place from the first instances to the last or the times when the sources to be used were published. A writer may also outline an outline based on the methodological system to be adopted in the final research.

The Conclusion

  • Basically, this is the summarization of the outline’s key points. Also known as the conclusion of the reviewed literature.

  • Importantly, the section offers an opportunity for the student making an outline to tell why the research is important based on what other scholars may have well established. For this reason, the restatement of the issues at this point must not only be convincing but clearly done with the view of instantly letting the reader understand the purpose of the outline of the literature review.

The References

  • This includes an in-text citation that must be applied to all the sources the researcher has gotten his information from that may be in the body of how to write a literature review outline. Acknowledging the authors gives research work credibility and shows how professional the researcher was.

If one is using the American Psychological Association (APA) approach, the following are some of the examples to consider while doing in-text citation:

  • According to James (2019), technology has had a great impact on how lecturers elaborate the course content to the students.

  • James, K. (2019). The influence of Technology on Education. Maryland: Bilcard Publications

With this, you know have enough knowledge pertaining to how to write literature review outline.

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