Cancer Thesis Statement

Cancer Thesis Statement

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Cancer is a non-communicable disease whose cases are expected to rise globally. Considering the quality of life experienced by people living with cancer, the quality and affordability of treatments globally, and the many other factors of relevance, it is only expected that well-meaning and thoughtful individuals should take time and consider the matter seriously, and generate solutions to the challenges posed by the disease. A serious solution is one that involves systematic thinking and action based on truth that allows humans to exist at their optimal levels. Such systematic thinking is conducted through writing papers. One kind of paper is the essay, and essays are driven by theses and supporting arguments. Therefore it is important for us to know how to derive a thesis about cancer.

The Nature of Essays

All essays may be categorized along four classes that correspond to the four basic elements derived and used by the noblest of ancient philosophers globally. In the western tradition, there is Pythagoras, and the lineage goes even to Aristotle and perhaps among the notables of modernity is Sir Isaac Newton. It may be argued that by the time of Newton, wisdom had long departed from most people’s interests, and at the moment, few would say they study what they do for the sole reason of acquiring wisdom. Perhaps many who study philosophy have no interest in mathematics and the foundations of mathematics. But needless to say that even though post-modern and contemporary scholarship may have shunned the basis of the four elements, the authorities that held such knowledge to be true are worthy of consideration.

The four elements are air, fire, water, and earth. Ether is a fifth element, but is generally taken as ‘passive’. These elements are exemplified in essays as:

  • Expository essay – corresponding with Air
  • Analytical essay – Corresponding with Fire
  • Argumentative essay – Corresponding with Water
  • Implementive essay – Corresponding with Earth

Each kind of essay has its own special structure and intent, and it’s important for us to know which kind of essay we have in mind when we formulate a thesis statement about cancer. A cancer thesis statement corresponding to any of the four elements may be used for any category of knowledge from biology to physics and even literature.

The Expository Essay

An expository essay is about describing and getting acquainted with an identity. In this case, we may generate a thesis about cancer by having and sharing an expository experience of the disease along a certain dimension. It could be about an exposure on how doctors experience cancer.

Analytic Essays

Fire is a dynamic element whose aim is to reduce issues to basic states, sometimes to allow for the formation of new qualities or atoms. The analytic essay works similarly. It reduces everything to the basic form of number and conducts something akin to numerical and linguistic analysis to determine the truth of a thesis statement about cancer.

Consider in this case, available viewpoints regarding causes of cancer. An analytic essay goes a long way in explicating the logical grounds and proofs available for existing theories, thereby allowing concerned parties to focus on valid propositions only. An analytic essay, therefore, needs a cancer thesis statement that touches on the logic and linguistic parameters of cancer centered phenomena.

Argumentative Essays

A thesis statement on cancer can also be derived on argumentative grounds according to the element water. Water is about cooling things down gradually to implement an objective. Similarly, an argumentative essay seeks to resolve an issue by presenting an idea that seeks to supersede another or that seeks a synthesis of ideas to generate a new and more effective idea. A cancer thesis statement that is argumentative is consequently focused on offering direct solutions to issues surrounding cancer.

Implementive Essays

Language exists for the sole purpose of facilitating human existence. Therefore, language’s ultimate test is the creation of reality. It is the facilitator of all action. Yet, how can we know if our actions are effective or not? It’s clear that thought is needed when we want to know whether actions supported by our language systems achieve set objectives with respect to human beings. Control mechanisms are universal, so we need to find ways of ordering our understanding of how we control reality, and in the case of cancer, we need people who can create a thesis statement on cancer.

Cancer thesis statements focused on how we implement ideas are clearly relevant because they can be used to inform other forms of thinking and eventually, inform action.

Nature of Things

The proper term to be used here is ‘substance’. Consider ‘substance’ as the primary state of being, that has characteristics inhered in them. That is ‘things in themselves’. Atoms are descriptions of different examples of substance. Therefore, if a thing exists then it must have its atomic quality and substance. This is critical in any endeavor to utter statements about cancer. What is the atomic or substance structure of cancer?

Accordingly, since we know that the universe is amenable to the four basic elements we infer that all substance is a creation or resultant of the interaction of these elements. In such circumstances we may consider these elements as forces or causes, hence the four causes mentioned by Aristotle. The four causes are:

  • Final cause – of element air
  • Formal cause – of fire
  • Effective cause – of water
  • Material cause – of earth

If we consider the possibility of a cancer atom, then we need to consider its four causes, or need to use skills like reverse engineering to decipher its causes. Of course, we need to be more rigorous in defining and finding the four causes behind a specific atom. Each element is described archetypally and each archetype denotes the ‘zero point conditions’ or the initial conditions of the being of that substance. Each archetype is intuited and inferred from geometric construction of what is often called ‘the golden flower’.

We need to consider all statements about cancer from a game perspective. This is because all substances tend to conserve themselves as energetic beings, yet there are forces surrounding them. Defining the total area for a substances existence as a field then it follows that in every field there are often more substances than 1 and that for each substance to exist it must optimize on a strategy for being.

Therefore, a cancer atom is always the resultant of forces within a game context or game contexts. To get the deeper essence of how the atom manifests itself, we, therefore, need semiotic and linguistic analysis to determine the balance of the four causes and the game contexts being played. It is recommended that we remind ourselves of Aristotle’s 4 causes even as we prepare to develop a thesis statement for cancer.

So far we have covered the nature of essays and inductively moved the idea that things are in fact thoughts that may be classified as essays, and that these things are in fact, balances of forces. Our next step in our journey in making a thesis statement for cancer is to find show the dynamics of equilibrium under game conditions.

Algorithms and Strategy in Game Based Atoms

If every substance and atom is computed and at the same time computes itself into being, and that each atom exists in a field determined by game based conditions, then there exist optimal strategies for being. These strategies are basic ways followed to sustain being. In our case, the thing that needs to be is a cancer thesis. We are assuming that there exists a cancer atom whose structure in any given context is determined by a composition of the four elements, existing in a field of forces generated by the four elements and causes. We have also determined that we can understand the semiotic and linguistic value or implication of each atom statement in a context.

Therefore, we can now enact a method of interaction that eventually gives a cancer thesis as a final product. Our algorithm is made of the following steps:

  • Knowing the substances and atoms for consideration – The problem statement can be parsed for nouns and adjectives to determine atoms and actions
  • Defining areas for thought – Use all the categories of thought and check for completeness while considering initial motives for the task at hand
  • Ordering of thought area priorities – Complete thoughts per category shows areas needing more work
  • Creating a personal field of interaction – Consider yourself as an atom. What game is on with respect to the atoms and substances in question?
  • Studying areas of interest according to the 4 kinds of thought or essays – What kind of thought resonates with your personal involvement in the thesis generation?
  • Studying patterns and causes of substances and atoms – Use formal logic and linguistics to determine patterns and make inferences
  • Determining the most relevant form of thought for thesis statement for cancer essay – We balance our personal forces against forces implied by the assignment and the motives behind the creation of the assignment
  • Drafting of thesis statement for cancer essay – knowing the relevant thought needed and fashioning its structure and content
  • Checking for bases of truth and evaluating for truth – Formation of mathematical proof and linguistic validity
  • Finishing thesis statement for cancer and writing the entire essay – Consolidation of thought, use of effective communication tools and techniques and the art of making presentations by balancing the four basic elements

Establishing Bases of Truth for Cancer Thesis

In formal logic, we learn of the ‘Possible Worlds’ theory. This means that there are theses that exist in possible worlds but not in actuality. It is therefore important that we check whether our cancer statements fit into our actual world. For that to happen we need to check out thoughts against the only possible sources of true knowledge. These sources of true knowledge are called ‘Pramanas’. There are six pramanas:

  • Perception – This entails how humans perceive stimuli and the basic conditions of perception and how a human can perceive a thing or substance correctly
  • Inference – How do humans form inferences, and are there rules to be adhered to for optimal deduction?
  • Comparison – How can analogy help in determining a truth about a substance?
  • Authority – Are there forms of knowledge that are initially out of our cognitive boundaries that change our experiences and thoughts without violating any laws?
  • Derivation – This is much like unsupervised machine learning. If we get a large amount of data in a situation, can we derive knowledge about our experience out of the data without other forms of proof?
  • Non-being- Can we know what is by virtue of what is or are absent from it?

Each of these is a basis for knowing from whence knowledge is coming from and where it is headed and if the knowledge being shared is true or not. Besides, these sources of truth form good and proper basis for evaluating our cancer statements and informs our thesis statement for cancer.

Understanding our bases of truth is critical to any sincere effort in thought, and since thought is best utilized under the coercion for action, it is advisable for the scholars to acquaint themselves with the Indian schools of philosophy and what they consider to be the main sources of truth and how we interact with them.

If our thought is resonant with all the atoms in the universe and our bases of truth are firm, then we are formally ready for the task of sharing our ideas and implementing action to change reality to optimal levels.


We have learned the basic foundations for critical thought according to ancient traditional philosophy that have been advanced by modern and contemporary thought and science. Our understanding of the universe has shifted drastically in the last century, and even as more authorities in diverse fields call for a new science that affords complexity, we need a conceptual structure that is tried and tested and one that also fits in with contemporary demands.

Thankfully, seeking wisdom through historical analysis and using our other faculties and institutions it has become clear that what the Pythagoreans and earlier thinkers stood for generally is settled. For example, the four elements are hardly put to dispute in the various schools of thought existing globally. It is therefore prudent for us to check and rediscover what they meant by making the allusions of ‘elements’ and seeing how we can use them effectively.

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